Snapmaker Laser Module
The Snapmaker Luban Module
Snapmaker 3-1 machines include a laser module that allows for laser cutting and engraving on there machines. The UAF Makerspace has the A350T and Artisan machine models as well as a 4th Axis module that can be used with the Laser module.
Luban Setup Instructions
Open the Luban Software
Make sure the correct machine is selected in the settings menu. The UAF Makerspace has the A350T and Artisan machien models.
Select the 3-axis laser option on the main screen.
Import an .svg or .dxf file
Create tool paths for each object. The video below will walk you through this process.
Material Specific Parameters
Snapmaker has an extensive list of suggest settings for different materials. Click the link below corresponding to the Laser module you'll be using.Â
Machine Setup and Running the Job
The article below provides a detialed walthrough on setting on the machine for Laser Cutting