XTool P2 Laser Cutter
Preparing a file:
Open XTool Creative Space
Press “New Project” in the top right corner
Either create your design using the program tools on the left toolbar, or import a file (.DXF from a CAD file, .SVG if an image) using the “open file” or “import image” tabs found under the “file” tab under the carrot next to the XTool logo in the top left corner . You can also import an image using the tool on the left toolbar.
Edit your design by clicking on it and using the tools in the top toolbar, or adding new vectors using the left toolbar. Edit an image using the image tools on the top toolbar, found after clicking on said image.
If on a personal device in the UAF Makerspace, save your file locally (.xcs), and move to a UAF Makerspace computer. We do not allow personal computers to connect to our equipment for safety purposes. Use “Open Project” as stated above to import your file on the new computer.
Connect to your laser cutter of choice using the “Switch device/connect device” button in the top right corner.
Once connected, select your material type and thickness by clicking on the "Thickness" box in the top right corner. Choose your material from this menu, or reference the XTool Material Library for more material presets. Adjust thickness as necessary.
Click on your design, choose to cut, score, or engrave each object, adjust settings (Speed and Power) as desired (Never over 90% power). Reference physical or digital examples for engrave settings, which can also be found in the XTool Material Library.
Note: images can only be engraved, so if you want to cut or score part of an image, you must trace it using the draw vector tool on the left toolbar.
Set-up a Cut:
Turn on laser cutter, and ensure the fan is running. If in the UAF Makerspace, ensure all three laser cutters are on, and all three fans are going, with the fume hood door fully closed.
Ensure laser cutter is free of debris by chekcing the drop pan below the slats.
Place your desired material in the laser cutter, square it up using the corner jig for ease of design placement, or make note of the material size and/or location in mm. These can be used later.
Open the “Process on slats” tab on the top of the screen, and press the “Refresh Camera” button on the top right corner. Adjust design location and size to fit the material. You can ensure accuracy using the H and W slots in the top left corner, which will display the size of the selection quadrilateral surrounding your design, and compare that to a measurement of your selected material.
Once your cut settings are satisfactory and your material is in place, press the green “Process” button in the bottom right corner. Here you can see how long your cut will take, and the laser path. Click and drag the green and white circle slider in the bottom left corner to ensure any engrave and score functions are processed before any cuts, if not, return to the canvas, and check your settings overview on the right side of the screen.
Making a Cut:
Once processed, press the green “Start” button in the top right corner, and make your way in front of the laser cutter.
Ensure fan is running, and the lid is fully closed.
When ready, press the large silver button to the right of the lid and watch the cut begin. Stay with the printer the entire duration of the cut. If you must walk away, press the button on the cutter again to pause, wait to leave until the laser has stopped cutting. Press the button again to restart the cut once you can stay. If a fire starts, press the button, and immediately get a lab tech, or otherwise follow proper safety procedures (found here).
Once the cut is complete, wait a few seconds for any smoke to be pulled from the cutting area, and remove your cut piece and all material. If any tiny pieces fell through the grate, open the gray door below the cutter proper and pull out the tray, emptying into the trash. If left, these pieces may cause fires during future cuts.