Peopoly Resin Printer
Safety notes:
Use safety glasses and gloves to keep the resin off your hands and out of your eyes.
Import your stl file into the Chitubox slicer
In machine settings, enter the following options:
X: 3840px
Y: 2160px
Lock Ratio: Yes
X: 276.48mm
Y: 155.52mm
Z: 400mm
Mirror: LCD_mirror
Scale the object to the size needed.
Click on support settings
Under top, select heavy supports
Under raft:
Raft shape: none
Raft area ratio (%): 100
Raft thickness (mm): 1.00
Raft height (mm): 1.80
Raft slope (degrees): 30.00
Under bottom:
Platform touch shape: skate
Touch diameter (mm): 12.00
Thickness: 1.00
When finished, check with a lab tech and then click slice. Save your print to a USB drive.
Note: when adding supports, do not leave any free-floating, unsupported pieces as they can cause a print failure. Allow space between the base of the supports and the print for easy removal of supports.
Printer Setup:
Check that the resin is about 1.25 inches from the top of the resin basin.
Insert the USB drive into the printer, select your file, and click print.
Post Print:
Remove the build plate by unscrewing the black bolt near the top of the printer
Using a putty knife, scrape the excess resin into the resin basin.
Put the plate on a piece of cardboard or other material to protect the table from the resin
Using a scraper, remove the print from the plate. Be careful when using a metal scraper not to scratch the plate.
Once the print is removed, use a brush to apply isopropyl alcohol to the print to remove the excess resin
Place the print in the curing box and plug in the UV lights and spinning plate. Depending on the size of the print, the curing process could take up to 12 hours. If possible, it's best to leave it overnight.